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You Are Loved.

I grew up as a country girl in a large family on a magical little farm in the midwest.
I have beautiful memories of walking through the pasture surrounded by sleepy cows at twilight, lying in the fields long after dark in a sea of blinking fireflies, riding my horse through the cool river with the water swirling around my ankles, and seeing God in all the beauty surrounding me, feeling Him in the peace of those moments, hearing Him whisper in a thousand little bits of beautiful life every day,

I Love You

The cruelty of life on planet Earth caught up with me as a young adult. Trauma, confusion, and the search for ways to keep my heart alive turned a guitar in my hands into a way of coping with PTSD. Playing guitar and writing songs gave me an outlet, a way to express myself in the midst of a life that left me reeling — broken, unheard, lost. 

 I found so much comfort in the love of God, and was endlessly grateful that I'd been given the gift of music.


Now, I'm here to share that gift with you! My debut album, Epic Love, is receiving its finishing touches in the studio, my website is under construction, and I'm just beginning to get out and play live! Follow me on Facebook, or sign up below for release dates on new music and all things creative from Hannah Montgomery Talent! 

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